Key Publications
Submitted and Published Papers
Project RISE: Recognizing Industrial Smoke Emissions
Y.-C. Hsu, T.-H. (Kenneth) Huang, T.-Y. Hu, P. Dille, S. Prendi, R. Hoffman, A. Tsuhlares, J. Pachuta, R. Sargent, and I. Nourbakhsh
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021)
Smell Pittsburgh
MindfulNest: Strengthening Emotion Regulation with Tangible User Interfaces
S. Speer, E. Hamner, M. Tasota, L. Zito and S. K. Byrne-Houser
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2021)
Formative Evaluation of MindfulNest: A Tangible User Interface for Emotion Regulation
S. Speer, E. Hamner, M. Tasota, S. K. Byrne-Houser, and L. Zito
Tech. Report, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Leveraging tangible interfaces in primary school math: Pilot testing of the Owlet math program
L. Zito, J. Cross, B. Brewer, S. Speer, M. Tasota, E. Hamner, M. Johnson, T. Lauwers, and I. Nourbakhsh
Journal Article, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction: Special Issue on Frontiers of Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2020)
Design of a Multimodal System for Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Classrooms
M. Tasota
Master's Thesis, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching with robotics: creating and implementing integrated units in middle school subjects
D. Bernstein, K. Mutch-Jones, M. Cassidy, and E. Hamner
Journal Article, Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Grounding Abstract Concepts Through Robotic Manipulatives
S. Speer
Master's Thesis, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
A Review of Primary Math Curricula
B. Brewer, E. Hamner
The Robotics Institute
Pilot Results of a Digital Manipulative for Elementary Mathematics
J. Cross, B. Brewer, E. Hamner, L. Zito, S. Speer, and M. Tasota
2020 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Preprint)
Smell Pittsburgh: Engaging Community Citizen Science for Air Quality
Y.-C. Hsu, J. Cross, P. Dille, M. Tasota, B. Dias, R. Sargent, T.-H. Huang, and I. Nourbakhsh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11936. (Accepted by ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems)
Smell Pittsburgh
When Human-Computer Interaction Meets Community Citizen Science
Y.-C. Hsu and I. Nourbakhsh
Communications of the ACM 63 (2), 31-34
Smell Pittsburgh: Community-Empowered Mobile Smell Reporting System
Y.-C. Hsu, J. Cross, P. Dille, M. Tasota, B. Dias, R. Sargent, T.-H. Huang, and I. Nourbakhsh
24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '19)
Smell Pittsburgh
Reimagining Library Pursuits: CREATE-ing Spaces for Inquiry and Technology-Based Learning
J. Mroziak and K. Rowe
School Library Connection
Humanitarian Efforts for Improving Air Quality Using Solar Power
J. Schapiro, M.D. Taylor, and I. Nourbakhsh
2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference
Livestreaming Pollution: A New Form of Public Disclosure and a Catalyst for Citizen Engagement?
E. Huet-Vaughn, N. Muller, and Y.-C. Hsu
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series
Designing Interactive Systems for Community Citizen Science
Y.-C. Hsu
Doctoral Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University
Student Outcomes from the Evaluation of a Transdisciplinary Middle School Robotics Program
J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, and I. Nourbakhsh
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Creative Robotic Systems for Talent-Based Learning
J. Cross
Doctoral Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University
Arts & Bots
Community-Empowered Air Quality Monitoring System
Y.-C. Hsu, P. Dille, J. Cross, B. Dias, R. Sargent, I. Nourbakhsh
CHI 2017
Development and Results from User Testing of a Novel Robotics Kit Supporting Systems Engineering for Elementary-Aged Students
E. Hamner, L. Zito, J. Cross, M. Tasota, P. Dille, S. Fulton, M. Johnson, I. Nourbakhsh, and J. Schapiro
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Engineering and Computational Thinking Talent in Middle School Students: a Framework for Defining and Recognizing Student Affinities
J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, and I. Nourbakhsh
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Development of an Assessment for Measuring Middle School Student Attitudes towards Robotics Activities
J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, I. Nourbakhsh, and D. Bernstein
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Training Teachers to Integrate Engineering into Non- Technical Middle School Curriculum
E. Hamner, J. Cross, L. Zito, D. Bernstein, and K. Mutch-Jones
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Utilizing Engineering to Teach Non-Technical Disciplines : Case Studies of Robotics within Middle School English and Health Classes
E. Hamner, L. Zito, J. Cross, B. Slezak, S. Mellon, H. Harapko, and M. Welter
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Robots and Romeo and Juliet: Studying Teacher Integration of Robotics into Middle School Curricula
D. Bernstein, K. Mutch-Jones, E. Hamner, and J. Cross
2016 International Conference of the American Educational Research Association
Arts & Bots
Calibration and Characterization of Low-Cost Fine Particulate Monitors and their Effect on Individual Empowerment
M.D. Taylor
Doctoral Dissertation. Carnegie Mellon University
Parallel Calibration of Low Cost Indoor PM2.5 Monitors
M.D. Taylor, I.R. Nourbakhsh, R.J. Paetz, J. Schapiro
Indoor Air 2016
Low-Cost Air Quality Monitors: Modeling and Characterization of Sensor Drift in Optical Particle Counters
M.D. Taylor
2016 IEEE Sensors Conference
Self-Tracking: Reflections from the BodyTrack Project
A. Wright
Science and Engineering Ethics
Robotics Community Experiences: Leveraging Informal Design and Learning Experiences to Motivate Urban Youth in STEM
K. Gomez, D. Bertstein, J. Zywica, E. Hamner, U.-S. Lee and J. Cunningham
Handbook of Research on Advancements in Robotics and Mechatronics
Arts & Bots
Arts & Bots: Application and Outcomes of a Secondary School Robotics Program
J. Cross, E. Hamner, C. Bartley and I. Nourbakhsh
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Real-Time Predictive Optimization for Energy Management in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
A. Styler and I. Nourbakhsh
Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Learned Optimal Control of a Range Extender in a Series Hybrid Vehicle
A. Styler, A. Sauer, I. Nourbakhsh and H. Rottengruber
2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
A Web-based Large-scale Timelapse Editor for Creating and Sharing Guided Video Tours and Interactive Slideshows
Y.-C. Hsu, P. Dille, R. Sargent, C. Bartley and I. Nourbakhsh
IEEE Information Visualization Posters
Community Deployment of Low-Cost Indoor Particulate Monitors
M. B. Dias, M. Taylor and I. Nourbakhsh
Annual Conference of the Air and Waste Management Association 2013
A low-cost particle counter and signal processing method for indoor air pollution
M. Taylor and I. Nourbakhsh
Air Pollution XXIII
Identifying and Cultivating Diverse STEM Talent through Creative Robotics
J. Cross and E. Hamner
2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition
Arts & Bots
Joule Counting Correction for Electric Vehicles Using Artificial Neural Networks
M. Taylor
Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Explorable Visual Analytics, Knowledge Discovery in Large and High-Dimensional Data
S. Amraii, M. Lewis, R. Sargent and I. Nourbakhsh
KDD Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA) Workshop
A Visual Robot-Programming Environment for Multidisciplinary Education
J. Cross, C. Bartley, E. Hamner and I. Nourbakhsh
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Arts & Bots
Arts & Bots: Techniques for distributing a STEAM robotics program through K-12 classrooms
E. Hamner and J. Cross
2013 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference
Arts & Bots
Model predictive control with uncertainty in human driven systems
A. Styler and I. Nourbakhsh
Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Stories in the Rock: A Design Case of an Explorable Image Viewer in a Natural History Museum
M. Louw, A. Ansari, C. Bartley and C. Sanford
International Journal of Designs for Learning
New ways of looking and learning in natural history museums: The use of gigapixel imaging to bring science and publics together
M. Louw and K. Crowley
Curator: The Museum Journal
Exploring Gigapixel Image Environments for Science Communication and Learning in Museums
A. Ansari, I. Nourbakhsh, M. Louw and C. Bartley
Annual Conference of Museums and the Web
Very-High-Resolution Time-Lapse Photography for Plant and Ecosystems Research
M. H. Nichols, J. C. Steven, R. Sargent, P. Dille, and J. Schapiro
Botanical Society of America
An Efficient Algorithm for Very Low Cost Personal Particulate Monitors
M. Taylor and I. Nourbakhsh
AAAR 2013 Conference
Building Technical Knowledge and Engagement in Robotics: An Examination of two Out-of-School Programs
K. Gomez, D. Bernstein, J. Zywica and E. Hamner
Robots in K-12 Education
Arts & Bots
ChargeCar community conversions: Practical, electric commuter vehicles now!
H. B. Brown, I. Nourbakhsh, C. Bartley, J. Cross, P. Dille, J. Schapiro and A. Styler
2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC)
Toward a Public Rhetoric Through Participatory Design: Critical Engagements and Creative Expression in the Neighborhood Networks Project
C. DiSalvo, M. Louw, D. Holstius, I. Nourbakhsh and A. Akin
Design Issues
Neighborhood Networks
Active management of a heterogeneous energy store for electric vehicles
A. Styler, G. Podnar, P. Dille, M. Duescher, C. Bartley and I. Nourbakhsh
2011 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System (FISTS)
Terapixel Imaging of Cosmological Simulations
Y. Feng, R. Croft, T. Di Matteo, N. Khandai, R. Sargent, I. Nourbakhsh, P. Dille, C. Bartley,V. Springel, A. Jana and J. Gardner
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
Developing technological fluency through creative robotics
D. Bernstein
PhD Thesis
Arts & Bots
Aligning Capabilities of Interactive Educational Tools to Learner Goals
T. Lauwers
PhD Thesis
Arts & Bots
The debugging task: Evaluating a robotics design workshop
E. Hamner, T. Lauwers and D. Bernstein
AAAI Spring Symposium
Arts & Bots
Evaluating the Urban Electric Vehicle
P. Dille, M. Duescher, I. Nourbakhsh, G. Podnar and J. Schapiro
CMU Tech Report
Designing the finch: Creating a robot aligned to computer science concepts
T. Lauwers and I. Nourbakhsh
AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence
A strategy for collaborative outreach: lessons from the CSbots project
T. Lauwers, E. Hamner and I. Nourbakhsh
41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
GigaPan conversations: Diversity and inclusion in the community
I. Nourbakhsh, C. Acedo, R. Sargent, C. Strebel, L. Tomokiyo and C. Belalcazar
International Scientific Conference on Technology for Development
GigaPixels for Science
I. Nourbakhsh
IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine
Timelapse GigaPan: Capturing, Sharing, and Exploring Timelapse Gigapixel Imagery
R. Sargent, C. Bartley, P. Dille, J. Keller, I. Nourbakhsh and R. LeGrand
Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science
How Many Pixels? Statistics from the GigaPan Web Site
P. S. Heckbert, M. Goldberg, G. O'Donnell, R. Henderson, K. Tew, R. Sargent
Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science
Adapting Traditional Macro and Micro Photography for Scientific Gigapixel Imaging
J. Longson, G. Cooper, R. Gibson, M. Gibson, J. Rawlins, and R. Sargent
Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science
Robot diaries: Creative technology fluency for middle school girls [education]
I. Nourbakhsh
Robotics & Automation Magazine
Arts & Bots
CSbots: design and deployment of a robot designed for the CS1 classroom
T. Lauwers, I. Nourbakhsh and E. Hamner
First Steps: The School Introduction Process
C. Strebel, C. Acedo, I. Nourbakhsh, R. Sargent and L. Tomokiyo
CMU Tech Report
Very-High-Resolution Panoramic Photography to Improve Conventional Rangeland Monitoring
M. H. Nichols, G. B. Ruyle, I. R. Nourbakhsh
Rangeland Ecology & Management
Local issues, local uses: tools for robotics and sensing in community contexts
C. DiSalvo, M. Louw, J. Coupland and M. Steiner
Seventh ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition
Neighborhood Networks
Robot Diaries Interim Project Report: Development of a Technology Program for Middle School Girls
E. Hamner, T. Lauwers, D. Bernstein, K. Stubbs, K. Crowley and I. Nourbakhsh
CMU Tech Report
Arts & Bots
Robot Diaries: Broadening Participation in the Computer Science Pipeline through Social Technical Exploration
E. Hamner, T. Lauwers, D. Bernstein, I. Nourbakhsh and C. DiSalvo
AAAI Spring Symposium
Arts & Bots
CSbots: A case study in introducing educational technology to a classroom setting
T. Lauwers, I. Nourbakhsh and E. Hamner
CMU Tech Report
The Neighborhood Networks project: a case study of critical engagement and creative expression through participatory design
C. DiSalvo, I. Nourbakhsh, D. Holstius, A. Akin and M. Louw
Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design
Neighborhood Networks
Robot Diaries: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Design and Evaluate Educational Robotics
I. Nourbakhsh, C. DiSalvo, E. Hamner, T. Lauwers and D. Bernstein
AAAI Spring Symposium
Arts & Bots
Informing curricular design by surveying CS1 educators
T. Lauwers and I. Nourbakhsh
4th International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment
Working with a robot: Exploring relationship potential in human-robot systems
D. Bernstein, K. Crowley and I. Nourbakhsh
Interaction Studies
TeRK: A Flexible Tool for Science and Technology Education
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, T. Lauwers, C. DiSalvo and D. Bernstein
AAAI Spring Symposium
Mapping Disaster Zones
I. Nourbakhsh, R. Sargent, A. Wright, K. Cramer, B. McClendon, and M. Jones
Nature - Commentary
Mobile robot programming in education
J.-F. Lalonde, C. Bartley and I. Nourbakhsh
2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Mobile Robotics Course
The Personal Exploration Rover: Educational assessment of a robotic exhibit for informal learning venues
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, E. Ayoob, E. Porter, B. Dunlavey, D. Bernstein, K. Crowley, M. Lotter, S. Shelly, T. Hsiu, et al.
International Journal of Engineering Education
Cognitive Evaluation of Human-Robot Systems: A Method for Analyzing Cognitive Change in Human-Robot Systems
K. Stubbs, D. Bernstein, K. Crowley and I. Nourbakhsh
15th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
A Roadmap for Technology Literacy and a Vehicle for Getting There: Educational Robotics and the TeRK Project
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, T. Lauwers, D. Bernstein and C. DiSalvo
15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN)
Up Close and Personal from Mars
E. Hamner, M. Lotter, I. Nourbakhsh, S. Shelly
Educational Results of the Personal Exploration Rover Museum Exhibit
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, B. Dunlavey, D. Bernstein, and K. Crowley
2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
The Design of a Highly Reliable Robot for Unmediated Museum Interaction
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, E. Porter, B. Dunlavey, E. Ayoob, T. Hsiu, M. Lotter and S. Shelly
2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction: The Personal Exploration Rover and Museum Docents
K. Stubbs, D. Bernstein, K. Crowley and I. Nourbakhsh
12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED '05)
The robotic autonomy mobile robotics course: Robot design, curriculum design and educational assessment
I. Nourbakhsh, K. Crowley, A. Bhave, E. Hamner, T. Hsiu, A. Perez-Bergquist, S. Richards and K. Wilkinson
Autonomous Robots
Robotic Autonomy
The Personal Exploration Rover: The Ground-up Design, Deployment and Educational Evaluation of an Educational Robot for Unmediated Informal Learning Sites
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, D. Bernstein, K. Crowley, E. Porter, T. Hsiu, B. Dunlavey, E. Ayoob, M. Lotter, S. Shelly, A. Parikh and D. Clancy
CMU Tech Report
Formal measures of learning in a secondary school mobile robotics course
I. Nourbakhsh, E. Hamner, K. Crowley and K. Wilkinson
2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '04)
Robotic Autonomy
The Personal Rover Project: The comprehensive design of a domestic personal robot
E. Hamner, R. Gockley, E. Porter and I. Nourbakhsh
Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Special Issue on Socially Interactive Robots
The educational impact of the Robotic Autonomy mobile robotics course
I. Nourbakhsh, K. Crowley, K. Wilkinson and E. Hamner
CMU Tech Report
Robotic Autonomy
Designing a low-cost, expressive educational robot
T. Hsiu, S. Richards, A. Bhave, A. Perez-Bergquist and I. Nourbakhsh
2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Robotic Autonomy
The Personal Rover
E. Falcone, R. Gockley, E. Porter and I. Nourbakhsh
2002 AAAI Conference Workshop Proceedings